24. He played things too cool at first

24. He played things too cool at first

If this guy has no intention of becoming your boyfriend and is happy with the no-strings-attached deal he’s got right now, he’s not going to care too much if you see other men.

You could try casually mentioning a guy friend of yours to see what his reaction is. If he’s not really interested in who this other guy is and shows no signs of jealousy, he’s probably just with you for a hookup every now and then rather than having serious intentions.

If he liked you, it would be very obvious that he doesn’t want you to be with anyone else but him. He might question you about other men he sees you with on social media, or ask who someone is when you bring them up in conversation.

22. The sex lacks real intimacy.

You might have great sexual chemistry and feel a lot of sexual tension, but that doesn’t always translate into true intimacy in the bedroom.

Let’s face it, even a one night stand can feel passionate and exciting, but the best sex involves a deeper connection.

If there is little to no kissing, he avoids looking you in the eyes while having sex, and it feels more like a f*ck than making love, you have to ask whether he’s truly into you.

23. He’s a mystery to you.

If he just wants to be friends with benefits, he will probably keep his heart hidden and his wider life somewhat of a secret.

He sees no reason to reveal his true self to you because he doesn’t see a future for you in the long term. Instead, it’s all flirting and surface-level details that don’t mean a lot.

If he liked you, he would be more of an open book. He would be willing to share his thoughts, his interests, his passions, and his dreams with you.

Think back to when you first met this guy. Was he really keen to go on dates, have long text conversations, or talk on the phone?

While some horny guys make it very clear they want sex by texting you a lot and trying to hook up, others play it cool and seem uninterested until you make a move on them.

If he liked you, he would have been keen to build that bond between you straight away for fear of you finding someone else.

25. When sex is not on the cards, he disappears.

When you make it clear to him that bedroom fun is not going to happen because it’s that time of the month or for another reason, does he still want to see you?

If he shows no interest in seeing you when sex is off the table, his priority is clearly the physical side of things, not building a genuine connection.

If he liked you, he would still want to see you, regardless of whether it would end with sexy time.

26. You don’t have much in common.

We’re not saying that people with different interests or even different personalities site gratuito mais bem avaliado para namorar mulheres da Venezuela can’t make happy couples, but not having much in common does make it harder.

If it feels like you’re very different people who simply happen to be enjoying casual sex, can you see it turning into anything more?

27. The relationship hasn’t evolved past sex.

How long have you been seeing this man? If it’s been a while but your meetings still feel the same as when you first hooked up, you have to wonder why.

Typically, the more you see someone, the closer you become. Your dates become a bit different, you might spend longer together at a time, and you can sense the relationship moving in a positive direction.

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